Monday, April 6, 2009

Springtime in the city

We're in the second week of April, just getting over a bit of a winter 'storm' I guess parts of lower MI has seen up to half a foot of snow. We were lucky to only get maybe an inch and the temp is supposed to be 40 tomorrow so hopefully, whatever remains today (not much so far) will be melted away by tomorrow. It's definitely spring here though, DPD finally has a new helicopter and it seems it's being put to good use. A couple of weeks ago, we were taking the 'scenic route' home from dinner and we notice the 'ghetto bird' (haha thanks 90's gangsta rap) flying around with the spotlight on. Since then, we've heard and seen it many a night. Seems like the idiots like to come out once we have that first warm day. People are out in full force, acting a fool. March 17, St. Patrick's Day, I decided also since it was so nice (72 degrees) to take the 'scenic route' (this means no freeway for me) home from work. I totally forgot it was St. Patrick's Day, and drove right down Michigan Avenue, Corktown, in the midst of the all the drunks proudly displaying their green. They looked happy, and the weather was nice enough for them to be walking from bar to bar. As I made my way through downtown, hopped on Gratiot, then Mack Avenue into a more residential area, things got to be not so hectic, but the people were still out. It was still nice, to see folks out. I make my way down and see a ho out working, hmmm she's not wearing green though, shame on her. She was donned in bright purple, guess she didn't want to blend in with everyone else. I come up to Mack and Bewick, and wouldn't ya know it, the tiger lady is out there!!! The tiger lady, as I call her, is a large elderly woman, who sits on a folding lawn chair with this huge stuffed tiger on her lap, or sometimes he's laying next to her on the ground. She is like a landmark to me (and the kids actually). She reminds me of Minerva, in the movie Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. I wish I could have found a picture of Minerva to post but couldn't find one online, I tried to snap a photo of the tiger lady though and just as I was saving it, I lost my signal and the picture was gone. I was crushed. I can just imagine this lady speaking and saying, something crazy to a squirrel sitting next to her, or just carrying on a conversation with her tiger. Yes, it's definitely springtime here in the city.

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