Thursday, December 2, 2010


No not me, but NeNe Leakes. So I was watching Real Housewives of Atlanta (I mean who doesn't?) and usually you can tell when their reactions are really fake, comeon they aren't classically trained actors and probably would mess up in a Jr High production of Annie. Anyway, I'm watching where NeNe is at her new job, and sees her husband and herself on a web page in tabloid fashion, and she looked genuinely embarrassed and shocked by what she was reading. My question is why? Doesn't she google alert herself? Seriously, you know all the other wives (in all the other cities too) have themselves hooked up to google alerts and get that ish sent to their phones right quick, so why doesn't she? It was obvious she wasn't tech savvy, she couldn't figure out how to use the mouse on the laptop at her desk, but I know they have Iphones and what with how vain these chicks are you know they know how to find dirt on themselves.
With all that being said, I looooove me some NeNe. She's got a hilarious metaphor and take on things around her that most people just wouldn't be able to convey.
Now NeNe get yourself google alerted, it's just that easy!