Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Time flies (sorry no original title)

I was sitting at Palm Sunday Mass with my almost 17 year old (?!?!?!?), as we were reading the Passion and every year I flash back to 14 years back or so when she first heard it and actually retained any of it.  We were watching Jesus Christ Superstar a lot then, she loved the music (still does), and went to mass as usual, when she bursts out crying, loud sobs actually.  We usually sat in the front so I took her to the bathroom and quieted her down.  She cried, "He died!" over and over, obivously talking about Jesus.  My poor child traumatized, by religion at an early age, lol.  I love that kid, she still has that sense of compassion (i.e. read, everything makes her cry.  I have no idea where she gets that from ;)  ).  Fast forward a few years later, we had since moved to Detroit and she was attending Catholic School near our home, where we also attended church.  Again, reading the Passion and as we're standing up as a congregation and following along, Peter is told he will deny Jesus not once but three times.  She is paying close attention, and gets upset when the cock crows right after the third time and she gets upset because she just doesn't understand why he did it, not just the once, but three times!  As if she has not heard this story, it gets to her every time.  Have I mentioned how much I love this girl?  She is a pain,,,an unorganized pain, but she has the heart of gold and the compassion that every person should hope to have.

ugh, mush.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

"I run this" and other reality show jargon

If I'm ever on a reality show and say, "bitch, I'm from Detroit" or "don't get it twisted", please shoot me.  However, if I happen to say, "I run this" that's completely acceptable.  Don't let me twirl and talk about being Gone With the Wind fabulous or talk about sex, or say things like, "who gon' check me boo?" And certainly don't let me talk about, "the inner circle" unless I'm referring to the group who sings the song from Cops.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

No let us see your ID

President Obama released his birth certificate yesterday.  My regular scheduled garbage on television had to be interrupted by this, because Donald Trump wants to tell him, "You're fired".  I don't think I would have released it, but even if I had, why would it be necessary to make it BREAKING NEWS.  To me it was a 'See, told ya so' move, he could've released it and go on with his day's work (and let the rest of us go on with ours)  Now, Trump in all his arrogance claiming, he "done something no one else was able to do", ugh, and he's right, but that wasn't what he was digging for, and he knows it.  Now he wants to know how could someone like Barack Obama could get into Harvard.  He should go back to attacking overweight lesbians and letting cocaine addicted pageant winners keep their titles, I'd rather see him get beat up by the lesbians than Obama cave to another order given to him by some douchebag turned politico.

One more thing, while I'm on the topic, why is it all of a sudden racist to demand his birth certificate, yet if I go to Arizona it's alright to demand mine?  Again, I don't think I'd produce the certificate if demanded by a reality star (especially), but I hardly heard boo from most of the people complaining now, when states want me to prove I'm legal. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

you and all them white girls party of five

Pffffffffft.  Every night, I watch The Gilmore Girls with Reyna.  I missed this show the first time around, didn't think I'd be interested.  I was wrong.  The down to earth teen, mature for her age, bright, daughter and the flighty mom, how could that possibly apply to me ;)  Anyway, it must've been sometime during the 2005 or 2006 season when Lane's boyfriend was all scruffy with facial hair, I finally said, "If I didn't know better I'd say that's Terry from Trueblood"  Reyna agreed.  Jose, half asleep, just waking up to go to work said, "That is him".  Huh?  Noooooooo.  That couldn't be him, Lane and Rory are much younger than me, I don't even think they were twenty one yet during the episode.  Yes, I know most 'teens' on tv aren't even teens, but I still believe he'd be younger than me.  I brushed it off.  Well, I tried to for a while anyway.  I think it wasn't a week later that I finally IMDB'd him and sure enough, he's Terry on Trueblood and he is a full year younger than me.  Age ain't nothin' but a number, my eye!  He's still younger than me, and I do indeed feel old.  I feel as though I'm the flighty mom and Reyna is the sensible daughter, which would in tv land make me old enough to be Terry's mother.  No me gusta.
Man, I can't wait for the next season of Trueblood, and I'm pretty much over Gilmore Girls, but I'm halfway through the final season so I'll finish.  Oh, I've never seen an episode of Party of Five either.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Look baby it ain't yo' fault you lack the flava

Charlie Sheen reminds me of Kenny Fisher, and you know what?  I LOVE HIM.  I love that he thinks he's a rockstar and everyone is like um, huh?  Over the last couple of months, I've been able to fast forward or change the channel when he's come on the tv.  Ho-hum another star cokehead, and no matter what happens their oversized egos and fat wallets keep them outta trouble (i.e. LiLo).  Anyone that knows me, knows saying I don't pay attention to some tv gossip, is a huge thing.  My sleepless nights are filled with the RuPaul's Drag Race repeats and lots of Teen Mom.  THOSE are the people that I love, the Z-listers.  The ones who think because they made 10 grand on a reality show, they've made it and who have the 'don't you know who I am?' attitude.
Okokokok, back to Charlie, after his rants on radio and press tour he's been on this week, I've become addicted, friend of Bill W I am not. 
If he were to knock up a Real Housewife, I think I might OD.
So, on the off chance the Kelly Killor BenSimon ever read this, could you please flash a little leg towards him, that would make this girl's night.
Then someone, please schedule the interevention, kthx.

FYI:  I'm over Charlie Sheen haha! quit him cold turkey with no withdrawl

Thursday, December 2, 2010


No not me, but NeNe Leakes. So I was watching Real Housewives of Atlanta (I mean who doesn't?) and usually you can tell when their reactions are really fake, comeon they aren't classically trained actors and probably would mess up in a Jr High production of Annie. Anyway, I'm watching where NeNe is at her new job, and sees her husband and herself on a web page in tabloid fashion, and she looked genuinely embarrassed and shocked by what she was reading. My question is why? Doesn't she google alert herself? Seriously, you know all the other wives (in all the other cities too) have themselves hooked up to google alerts and get that ish sent to their phones right quick, so why doesn't she? It was obvious she wasn't tech savvy, she couldn't figure out how to use the mouse on the laptop at her desk, but I know they have Iphones and what with how vain these chicks are you know they know how to find dirt on themselves.
With all that being said, I looooove me some NeNe. She's got a hilarious metaphor and take on things around her that most people just wouldn't be able to convey.
Now NeNe get yourself google alerted, it's just that easy!

Monday, August 23, 2010

hello (echo) ooo ooo oooo

So, it's been quite a while since I've updated. A lot has been going on some things I'd rather not relive, but some exciting things happening too. My oldest is starting high school shortly, for reals, yo. I'm way beyond excited for her, probably more than her, which makes it pretty hard for me because I just wanna be all loud and giddy. I wanna go back to high school, ha, not that it was the best years ever, just seems like such a fun and carefree time. Too much to worry about as an adult, I suppose. The boy will be entering second grade and he's excited even though at the moment, we have no idea where he'll go to school, he's pretty much ok with it. He's easy going, and has a H U G E sense of self worth, ha ha. Even though, he doesn't pay much mind what people think of him, they ultimately end up loving him, and his crazy fun personality is probably what draws people in. Now onto the bebe, she's getting into EVERYTHING. Though, she's not walking, she's certainly climbing on top of and into anything she can. I've never really had to babyproof anything with the other two, but I think that might be something that I'll end up doing this go around.
I supposed that's all for now, we'll see what this school year brings us, dance classes, sports extra curriculars and a baby that will be walking anytime, wish me luck!