Thursday, April 28, 2011

No let us see your ID

President Obama released his birth certificate yesterday.  My regular scheduled garbage on television had to be interrupted by this, because Donald Trump wants to tell him, "You're fired".  I don't think I would have released it, but even if I had, why would it be necessary to make it BREAKING NEWS.  To me it was a 'See, told ya so' move, he could've released it and go on with his day's work (and let the rest of us go on with ours)  Now, Trump in all his arrogance claiming, he "done something no one else was able to do", ugh, and he's right, but that wasn't what he was digging for, and he knows it.  Now he wants to know how could someone like Barack Obama could get into Harvard.  He should go back to attacking overweight lesbians and letting cocaine addicted pageant winners keep their titles, I'd rather see him get beat up by the lesbians than Obama cave to another order given to him by some douchebag turned politico.

One more thing, while I'm on the topic, why is it all of a sudden racist to demand his birth certificate, yet if I go to Arizona it's alright to demand mine?  Again, I don't think I'd produce the certificate if demanded by a reality star (especially), but I hardly heard boo from most of the people complaining now, when states want me to prove I'm legal. 

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