Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Look baby it ain't yo' fault you lack the flava

Charlie Sheen reminds me of Kenny Fisher, and you know what?  I LOVE HIM.  I love that he thinks he's a rockstar and everyone is like um, huh?  Over the last couple of months, I've been able to fast forward or change the channel when he's come on the tv.  Ho-hum another star cokehead, and no matter what happens their oversized egos and fat wallets keep them outta trouble (i.e. LiLo).  Anyone that knows me, knows saying I don't pay attention to some tv gossip, is a huge thing.  My sleepless nights are filled with the RuPaul's Drag Race repeats and lots of Teen Mom.  THOSE are the people that I love, the Z-listers.  The ones who think because they made 10 grand on a reality show, they've made it and who have the 'don't you know who I am?' attitude.
Okokokok, back to Charlie, after his rants on radio and press tour he's been on this week, I've become addicted, friend of Bill W I am not. 
If he were to knock up a Real Housewife, I think I might OD.
So, on the off chance the Kelly Killor BenSimon ever read this, could you please flash a little leg towards him, that would make this girl's night.
Then someone, please schedule the interevention, kthx.

FYI:  I'm over Charlie Sheen haha! quit him cold turkey with no withdrawl

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