Since when do 'real' hardcore gangsters post pics of themselves on myspace?????
hmmmmmm I don't think they do, but these idiot kids in Belleville (do you know how bad gang violence is in Belleville ;) )made national news when they got expelled from their school for posting pics of themselves on myspace with fake guns, lots o' money and fake drugs. They claim they were fake, I believe they were fake. I also believe these little punks should be expelled, they should also be smacked upside their heads, by their mothers and their fathers should take their belts off and giving them good whippings. There I said it. They claim that the expulsion was racially motivated, don't pull the race card sons, it's lame in this instance. I'm the first one to defend minorities, in cases where it's deserved. I think racial discrimination is something that is still the norm in our society; in fact, it happens on a daily basis. BUT, these chumps were acting a fool, thinking they were being 'hard', now they aren't so 'hard' are they, holding on to their parents hands fighting YT, where's Al Sharpton boys? Doesn't sound like your case holds enough water for even him to come to your defense.
Zero Tolerance, what you did caused major distraction in the public school and you should be done away with, maybe a good alternative education program would be good for you? maybe you could go to one of those 'scared straight' programs, oh right, you really aren't 'hardcore' drug dealers and gang members, you're upstanding students in the school right?
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