Seriously, Dennis Archer where have you gone? Freman Hendrix, still want the job?
Kwame is NOT my mayor, has NEVER been my mayor and I NEVER voted for that pimp that ho'd out my city.
Brother, why are you sooooo arrogant to think you can do the things you do and get away with it? Oh, I forgot we live in a city that will probably re-elect, your no integrity having ass again because they liked their 'hip hop thug' mayor. Buncha stupid losers.
People are angry, sad, dumbfounded; me? I'm just saying, "I told you so" I've been saying since he was elected he is not worth anything in my opinion.
He had an affair. Big flipping deal, I don't care if he had a GAY affair, that has nothing to do with the city, that has to do with him. He spent a butt ton of my money on his extravagant lifestyle that included his affairs. Eh, started to irritate me, BUT again, not going to make a big deal about it, I hated him before he was in office and predicted as much.
Brother LIED under oath!!!! He lied under oath in a trial that involved the wrongful dismissal of two officers that were doing their job and called them liars.
You got nerve Kwame. You have got some huge balls to do the crap you do on a daily basis and not think that one day you will be held accountable for your actions.
I've hereby renamed Hizzoner, Kwame Kilpatrick, OJ. No, you didn't murder a white chick and get away with it (but they jury is still out on whether you had a hit put out on that stripper) but you DO think that you are above the law and can get away with whatever you want.
You are a poor excuse for a human being. Repent, pay the city back, pay me back!
If Kim Worthy does not do anything with her investigation in which everyone knows you perjured yourself, then she has no integrity either.
May God have mercy on your soul, because I have no mercy for you at this time KK.
you need to blog more. :-)
I think you are 100% right on. KK is a freaking lying ass dog. He seriously does pimp out all the city workers too...firefighters, police officers, the whole works.
Helz yeah!!
You put to print my exact feelings on the sucker!
The example he's showing is dispicable! Here's hoping the silent majority speaks (screams out) out and is heard.
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