Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Livin' La Vida Lohan

We're back from the Audiologist, ENT, and Chiropractor today. Reyna is doing so much better, I'm so happy. Her hearings is borderline and will likely stay there, but it's much better than the original mild mixed hearing loss she had just 4 weeks ago. She mentioned a headache and earache and he diagnosed something with TMJ. Nice, something else, is what I first thought, but then I realized, well this makes sense. We've seen the xrays from the chiro and her alignment was wayyyy off in her neck and jaw line, it makes complete sense that she was have issues and pain. He adjusted her and although it was painful, she knew she'd feel better later, and so far she seems to be feeling better, which is good because the tylenol was not touching the two day long headache. Now if I can get her back into the allergist and foot and ankle specialist in the next month, I'll be all set *sigh*. One day tht little girl will have no issues and I won't have to worry about these little things. Things could be so much worse and nothing she has is life threatening to the degree that she has them, but they do affect her everyday life.

I'm a sucker for a good reality show and as much as I can't stand the Lohan family, I admit I watched the train wreck of a show last night. These people take no personal responsibility for anything, the mom tries to make it seem like the paparazzi are the reason that her daughter is a coked out whore. Please kill me if I start singing Ali's hot single that that Jeremy produced. Now, Jeremy some hot producer, also does babysitting for Dina's kids on the side. I'm impressed this cat has time in his busy producing schedule to watch her kids, while she no-doubtedly is out whoring it up herself. Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

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