Monday, April 6, 2009
Springtime in the city
We're in the second week of April, just getting over a bit of a winter 'storm' I guess parts of lower MI has seen up to half a foot of snow. We were lucky to only get maybe an inch and the temp is supposed to be 40 tomorrow so hopefully, whatever remains today (not much so far) will be melted away by tomorrow. It's definitely spring here though, DPD finally has a new helicopter and it seems it's being put to good use. A couple of weeks ago, we were taking the 'scenic route' home from dinner and we notice the 'ghetto bird' (haha thanks 90's gangsta rap) flying around with the spotlight on. Since then, we've heard and seen it many a night. Seems like the idiots like to come out once we have that first warm day. People are out in full force, acting a fool. March 17, St. Patrick's Day, I decided also since it was so nice (72 degrees) to take the 'scenic route' (this means no freeway for me) home from work. I totally forgot it was St. Patrick's Day, and drove right down Michigan Avenue, Corktown, in the midst of the all the drunks proudly displaying their green. They looked happy, and the weather was nice enough for them to be walking from bar to bar. As I made my way through downtown, hopped on Gratiot, then Mack Avenue into a more residential area, things got to be not so hectic, but the people were still out. It was still nice, to see folks out. I make my way down and see a ho out working, hmmm she's not wearing green though, shame on her. She was donned in bright purple, guess she didn't want to blend in with everyone else. I come up to Mack and Bewick, and wouldn't ya know it, the tiger lady is out there!!! The tiger lady, as I call her, is a large elderly woman, who sits on a folding lawn chair with this huge stuffed tiger on her lap, or sometimes he's laying next to her on the ground. She is like a landmark to me (and the kids actually). She reminds me of Minerva, in the movie Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. I wish I could have found a picture of Minerva to post but couldn't find one online, I tried to snap a photo of the tiger lady though and just as I was saving it, I lost my signal and the picture was gone. I was crushed. I can just imagine this lady speaking and saying, something crazy to a squirrel sitting next to her, or just carrying on a conversation with her tiger. Yes, it's definitely springtime here in the city.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Big ups to the folks at Liberty Tax
Not the tax preparers, not the people working inside, not the owners, but the people that are outside everyday with the Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty costumes on. Even in subarctic temps, they are always enthusiastically waving and dancing on the corners trying to encourage people in getting their taxes done there. I don't care if they are crack heads or alcoholics; they are out there rain or shine bustin' a move makin' their $6.50 an hour. I'm sure it's a tiresome, thankless job and I'm sure they get on peoples' nerves out there, but they are makin' a buck the way they know how and I wanted to give them props for it.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Open Letter to Christian Audigier
Dear Mr. Audigier,
I'm not sure who told you it would be a good idea to contract with VH1 reality shows to make your clothing visible, but I'd like to say, 'BAD IDEA!!' Even though, Ed Hardy wear has not really been 'cool' for at least a year, I've still wanted one those large Ed Hardy purses. Sometimes when a trend fades I still hang on to it for a minute, I admit. But, to see the Charm School girls with the trucker hats on, yesterday's makeup and bad weaves, then to see the Rock of Love girls with Bret Michaels' 'love' dribbling down their legs and the shirts stained with tequila vomit is not really the publicity you want is it? If that's not enough how about have Shifty and Steven Adler, on Sober House, getting high on crack, heroin and whatever else might be around all while sporting their new free clothing provided by you, is definitely not the fashion statement I'd like to make. I realize these are known as 'ghetto fab' clothes so you might be trying to target another group of people to make it look a little better, but I think someone steered you in the wrong direction.
P.S. If you'd like to send me one of those bags for free, I might still uses it though :)
I'm not sure who told you it would be a good idea to contract with VH1 reality shows to make your clothing visible, but I'd like to say, 'BAD IDEA!!' Even though, Ed Hardy wear has not really been 'cool' for at least a year, I've still wanted one those large Ed Hardy purses. Sometimes when a trend fades I still hang on to it for a minute, I admit. But, to see the Charm School girls with the trucker hats on, yesterday's makeup and bad weaves, then to see the Rock of Love girls with Bret Michaels' 'love' dribbling down their legs and the shirts stained with tequila vomit is not really the publicity you want is it? If that's not enough how about have Shifty and Steven Adler, on Sober House, getting high on crack, heroin and whatever else might be around all while sporting their new free clothing provided by you, is definitely not the fashion statement I'd like to make. I realize these are known as 'ghetto fab' clothes so you might be trying to target another group of people to make it look a little better, but I think someone steered you in the wrong direction.
P.S. If you'd like to send me one of those bags for free, I might still uses it though :)
Monday, February 23, 2009
I just want to celebrate
So my birth month seems to quickly be drawing to a close. I had a wonderful time. I'm happy I have a great family and great friends. Everyone made sure I had a good time and took care of me. Not that they don't do this on the regular, but I felt really pampered. Every day is an adventure, I'm learning something new every day and starting to enjoy it more. I'm getting close to that mid-30s mark and don't care. I feel young and am just loving life. I hope everyone loves life and appreciates what they have, the days pass too quickly to not take advantage of all the great things life has to offer and to dwell on the negative.
Today, is also daddy's birthday. I love you daddy, I miss you. There were lots of little reminders of you today that made me smile. Thank you for that.
oh and thank you Jose and Reyna for my gift of Blossom on dvd, that has to be one of my favorite gifts EVER
Today, is also daddy's birthday. I love you daddy, I miss you. There were lots of little reminders of you today that made me smile. Thank you for that.
oh and thank you Jose and Reyna for my gift of Blossom on dvd, that has to be one of my favorite gifts EVER
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
12 Angry Men
I got summoned for jury duty! Of course, I'm a freak of nature and was totally excited with the idea where the norm is to dread being called for jury duty. The only issues I had were, I had to get up and leave earlier than usual, and top that with the three inches of snow we had gotten in the wee morning hours (it was also still snowing when I got there).
I get to Frank Murphy Courthouse at 8AM (which was miraculous because of rush hour traffic and the wintery conditions outside) and proceed to the metal detectors. Apparently, I do not look like a happy person, because the only people that ever talk to me always have the same comment, "you need to smile more, it's not that bad". So I just chuckle when the deputy says this to me as I drop my coat on the little xray thingy and ask if the jury room is to the left. I check in and the room is packed already (wow lots of other people actually show up on time too) I find a seat in the very back corner tucked away and begin to read 'New Moon'. As it turns out even though I dreaded reading the second installment of the Twilight books, because all I had heard was that the second was the worst of the bunch, I LOVED it and read 400 pages during my wait. At about 8:45 a lady comes out and begins to tell us the process, letting us know things like: approximately 400 people show up for the jury pool everyday, parking: you WILL be ticketed if you are not in a paid lot, no cell phones are allowed in the building, the pay phones probably do NOT work, so just ask them and you can go use one of the court phones, there is no cafeteria but it's encouraged to head to Greektown for lunch, but remember to take off your 'Juror' badge. She also lets us know she is bad with names and she will likely mess yours up but she apologizes and will apologize for doing this often. We are then dismissed for our first break, I go grab a snack and settle back into my chair and they play Mousehunt on the TVs in the room and they begin to call off names 30 at a time. At about 11AM my name is called (and pronounced correctly), eeep!!! Have I mentioned my excitement? I head out with the 29 other people and go stand outside the courtroom. A deputy comes out a few times looking for the defense attorney. After about 20 minutes of waiting, he puts us in an empty courtroom to wait some more. He's a friendly gentlemen who seems like he was trying to make it a little easier on us by making small talk. We wait, and wait, and wait some more, finally he comes in around 12:30 and lets us know we can break for lunch and to be back by 1:30. He warns us that the judge is strict and will put a warrant on you for skipping out (later my husband confirmed that this judge will also do the same to officers). Despite the 4-5 inches of fresh snow on the ground, it's not a bad day out to be walking. Groups of people that have made friends go to lunch with each other, I lag behind and decided I'll just go where ever my feet take me. I end up at a little hole in the wall restaurant. Looking at this place I was kinda leery of eating at the establishment haha, and after entering I wasn't put at ease either, but the food ending up being wonderful and huge portions (and it was super close to the courthouse). I return only to notice, I still have 30 minutes left. Oh boy, I continue to read my book to pass the time and the rest of my group eventually trickle in. Finally, we enter the courtroom, and while I coulda done without the 20 minute lesson on the court system and how in Quebec still only men are allowed on the jury, I was still happy to be there. After the history lesson, the judge tells us what the case is about, breaking and entering home invasion. He says, that the trial will probably last the rest of the day and go into the next day and then asks if anyone was going to have conflicts they felt that were worthy enough to be excused. I swear at least 10 people raise their hands, I giggled. The first gentleman lets the judge know he has to babysit and work and won't be able to make it, judge says too bad (diplomatically of course). The second lady lets the judge know, that while she realizes she has the same predicament as the first gentleman, she is a hairdresser and she has scheduled clients. The judge says, call your clients and cancel, she sits stomps her feet down muttering under her breath and pouts (I laughed, this girl was sitting right next to me, I was probably out of line laughing, but I couldn't help it). There are then a couple of other reasons given nothing I think the judge thought worthy enough to miss court for. We are then randomly picked out of a bowl (think bingo) and 12 of us are placed in the jury box. My stomach starts to do flips and I get hot. Seriously, maybe I'll get picked, eeeek!!! On each chair is a yellow paper with about 10 questions about our background. You have to out loud pretty much give a short biography of yourself and your family, damnit here is comes. I answered every one of the questions wrong lol. I'm married to a police officer in the city the defendant was charged in, I have taken law classes before, I have both family and friends that are either in law enforcement or do something in the legal field, I have had crimes commited against me, and we own guns. The judge asks the prosecuting attorney and the defense attorney if they'd like to dismiss anyone and the defense attorney says no, the prosecuting attorney lets two out of the box and two more get randomly drawn and tell their life stories. Then here it comes, the defense attorney dismisses me, juror number 9, boo. It's 2:30 in the afternoon and my excitement for the day is over, no court for me. I go turn in my juror card and get my juror letter for my employer and hope to one day be selected again, but I don't get my hopes up too high.
I get to Frank Murphy Courthouse at 8AM (which was miraculous because of rush hour traffic and the wintery conditions outside) and proceed to the metal detectors. Apparently, I do not look like a happy person, because the only people that ever talk to me always have the same comment, "you need to smile more, it's not that bad". So I just chuckle when the deputy says this to me as I drop my coat on the little xray thingy and ask if the jury room is to the left. I check in and the room is packed already (wow lots of other people actually show up on time too) I find a seat in the very back corner tucked away and begin to read 'New Moon'. As it turns out even though I dreaded reading the second installment of the Twilight books, because all I had heard was that the second was the worst of the bunch, I LOVED it and read 400 pages during my wait. At about 8:45 a lady comes out and begins to tell us the process, letting us know things like: approximately 400 people show up for the jury pool everyday, parking: you WILL be ticketed if you are not in a paid lot, no cell phones are allowed in the building, the pay phones probably do NOT work, so just ask them and you can go use one of the court phones, there is no cafeteria but it's encouraged to head to Greektown for lunch, but remember to take off your 'Juror' badge. She also lets us know she is bad with names and she will likely mess yours up but she apologizes and will apologize for doing this often. We are then dismissed for our first break, I go grab a snack and settle back into my chair and they play Mousehunt on the TVs in the room and they begin to call off names 30 at a time. At about 11AM my name is called (and pronounced correctly), eeep!!! Have I mentioned my excitement? I head out with the 29 other people and go stand outside the courtroom. A deputy comes out a few times looking for the defense attorney. After about 20 minutes of waiting, he puts us in an empty courtroom to wait some more. He's a friendly gentlemen who seems like he was trying to make it a little easier on us by making small talk. We wait, and wait, and wait some more, finally he comes in around 12:30 and lets us know we can break for lunch and to be back by 1:30. He warns us that the judge is strict and will put a warrant on you for skipping out (later my husband confirmed that this judge will also do the same to officers). Despite the 4-5 inches of fresh snow on the ground, it's not a bad day out to be walking. Groups of people that have made friends go to lunch with each other, I lag behind and decided I'll just go where ever my feet take me. I end up at a little hole in the wall restaurant. Looking at this place I was kinda leery of eating at the establishment haha, and after entering I wasn't put at ease either, but the food ending up being wonderful and huge portions (and it was super close to the courthouse). I return only to notice, I still have 30 minutes left. Oh boy, I continue to read my book to pass the time and the rest of my group eventually trickle in. Finally, we enter the courtroom, and while I coulda done without the 20 minute lesson on the court system and how in Quebec still only men are allowed on the jury, I was still happy to be there. After the history lesson, the judge tells us what the case is about, breaking and entering home invasion. He says, that the trial will probably last the rest of the day and go into the next day and then asks if anyone was going to have conflicts they felt that were worthy enough to be excused. I swear at least 10 people raise their hands, I giggled. The first gentleman lets the judge know he has to babysit and work and won't be able to make it, judge says too bad (diplomatically of course). The second lady lets the judge know, that while she realizes she has the same predicament as the first gentleman, she is a hairdresser and she has scheduled clients. The judge says, call your clients and cancel, she sits stomps her feet down muttering under her breath and pouts (I laughed, this girl was sitting right next to me, I was probably out of line laughing, but I couldn't help it). There are then a couple of other reasons given nothing I think the judge thought worthy enough to miss court for. We are then randomly picked out of a bowl (think bingo) and 12 of us are placed in the jury box. My stomach starts to do flips and I get hot. Seriously, maybe I'll get picked, eeeek!!! On each chair is a yellow paper with about 10 questions about our background. You have to out loud pretty much give a short biography of yourself and your family, damnit here is comes. I answered every one of the questions wrong lol. I'm married to a police officer in the city the defendant was charged in, I have taken law classes before, I have both family and friends that are either in law enforcement or do something in the legal field, I have had crimes commited against me, and we own guns. The judge asks the prosecuting attorney and the defense attorney if they'd like to dismiss anyone and the defense attorney says no, the prosecuting attorney lets two out of the box and two more get randomly drawn and tell their life stories. Then here it comes, the defense attorney dismisses me, juror number 9, boo. It's 2:30 in the afternoon and my excitement for the day is over, no court for me. I go turn in my juror card and get my juror letter for my employer and hope to one day be selected again, but I don't get my hopes up too high.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Hail to the Chief Chief the Chief the Chief the Chief Chief

K so I don't know the actually lyrics to the Hail to the Chief song, so I decided to make them up myself, by the way are there lyrics to the song?
Unless you spent the last month in an ashram somewhere, you know we have a new president here in the states. It's a beautiful day (sings U2).
We dvr'd (thank God for technology) the inaugural ceremony, although I did get to watch at work and the kids also watched at school. It was red, white and blue day at school, my kids were happy to participate. The boy has been excited about Barack Obama for the past year, weird considering we rarely talk politics in front of the kids. He wore his Obama t-shirt, that he had asked Santa for, for Christmas proudly. The kid has pictures of our new President up in his room. He was not happy when we we told him, 'No we are not driving to DC to see the inauguration.' Here he wears his colors proudly on inauguration day.
He will no doubtedly be my little liberal when he grows up.
Reyna is my little hippy, Jose says jokes that she is a little communist. This is the little girl who is peace everything, everyone should be green and says why vote if the popular vote doesn't count anyway. I picture her with dreadlocks (in her beautiful hair), smelling of patchouli, wearing the tie dyed greatful dead tshirt, hanging out with the crazy Marxist lenists on campus when she gets older. Who am I kidding, she's 12 years old and I can picture her doing this now. I told her fine, but she'd better shave her pitters, because I won't tolerate unshaven pitters.
My kids are crazy and have their own thoughts and opinions God bless them, they wouldn't be them if I were forcing my political agenda down their throats.
Unless you spent the last month in an ashram somewhere, you know we have a new president here in the states. It's a beautiful day (sings U2).
We dvr'd (thank God for technology) the inaugural ceremony, although I did get to watch at work and the kids also watched at school. It was red, white and blue day at school, my kids were happy to participate. The boy has been excited about Barack Obama for the past year, weird considering we rarely talk politics in front of the kids. He wore his Obama t-shirt, that he had asked Santa for, for Christmas proudly. The kid has pictures of our new President up in his room. He was not happy when we we told him, 'No we are not driving to DC to see the inauguration.' Here he wears his colors proudly on inauguration day.
He will no doubtedly be my little liberal when he grows up.
Reyna is my little hippy, Jose says jokes that she is a little communist. This is the little girl who is peace everything, everyone should be green and says why vote if the popular vote doesn't count anyway. I picture her with dreadlocks (in her beautiful hair), smelling of patchouli, wearing the tie dyed greatful dead tshirt, hanging out with the crazy Marxist lenists on campus when she gets older. Who am I kidding, she's 12 years old and I can picture her doing this now. I told her fine, but she'd better shave her pitters, because I won't tolerate unshaven pitters.
My kids are crazy and have their own thoughts and opinions God bless them, they wouldn't be them if I were forcing my political agenda down their throats.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
We don't cry in Boston
I caught up with Bad Girls Club last night, these girls never disappoint. I love that AmberKooky, that little racist girl that doesn't even flinch when chicks wanna 'fight'. Good bye Kayla, KC whatever the heck your name is I think you need some meds, seriously get help please. When she was fighting she cracked me up. Were you fighting or swimming? Who waves their arms around like that, I'll tell you who, folks who can't fight. Stick to what you know, getting drunk and getting sent to the hospital crying, "I'm not crazeeeee" I think KookyAmber was right, she'll fight the folks she knows she can take, she wasn't 'bout to mess with folks at the 'black' club even after they choked her (which btw: I would have love to see, I'm still skeptical that it happened for reals). Tiff, please get off the ride shouting, "I'm not on tv in Chicago, Chi-town, what, Chi-town what" throwing up your faux badassness was weak, please. And icky Marcus, holding you back? Again, please. Whitney's friend passing was sad, just let it out, don't try and be stupid talking about how you can club promote and you know all these 'big deal' folks, and stop throwing in you're from Boston, ok we get it. Even though, you are pretty much from a northern 'burb and not quite from any little 'hood that wouldn't be considered hard anywhere. Have a drink, have a good cry, you'll be ok. Again, I liked when Kooky, was making fun of Whitney for trying to show off at the club. Back to Kayla, lady, don't go out to eat if you can't tip properly. You were making just as big a deal of $2 as Kooky was. She didn't wanna look like a jerk to the servers, tip them already, don't be the bad stereotype please. Wait, scratch that. You are already a bad stereotype. What the heck did these chicks come to the house for, was it to better themselves? I don't quite know the point of the show, but I'll still watch, because they are quite entertaining. Hard? No, but still entertaining.
I also watched, True Beauty last night. I love the rock of love rejects that only these reality shows can find. Chelsea shoulda went home, Ashley shoulda went home. Anymore to add to that? Ashely, your outfit was 'cute' if you were attending a high school homecoming or a sweet sixteen party. How old are you? Try lightening up on the product you put in your hair, it looks really damaged one more bleach job and it's gonna fall out. And let's steer away from the dayglo pink lipstick mmkay? Chelsea, I didn't watch the entire first episode so I don't know what you did to the people that live in the house with you, but dang! They really hate you, huh? Those guys, hmmm again, I didn't watch the whole first episode so I don't quite know their attitudes, but based on looks, NOT the most beautiful person in America. I've seen enough of the girls, yeah you ladies suck too. Be nice, there is always someone who looks better than you, can dress better than you, that can work it better than you and your looks will fade one day.
OK, off the tv topic. Things at home are going well. Reyna will be inducted in the Junior National Honor Society next week, or is it the National Junior Honor Society? I obviously was not in this as a kid, or else I would probably know the name of it. She's doing well in school, her new year's resolution was to get straight A's at least one quarter this year. I don't know how she's doing so well in school, she seems to miss a lot of it. I might as well home school. It's been about 9 months since she had pneumonia and her middle and inner ear infections in both ears, and she still doesn't seem to have recovered. She seems to get sick at the drop of the dime now. Makes me sad, I hope she can get and stay healthy. She's still loving dance and drama is in full swing. I love to watch her dance classes, she's got some physically limitations and she's not the traditional bodytype for a dancer, but we love watching her she looks like a dancer to us. The boy, is well the boy. My little chauvinistic child. He insists I need to stay home and in the kitchen. And while I'm at home in the kitchen I need to make him tortillas every day. He told me a few weeks ago, "mommy, you know why I like that song womanizer?" my answer, 'why?' his response, 'because the guy is mean to all the ladies in the video' nice. I also received a magazine not so long ago with scantily clad Beyonce on the cover, to which my 5 year old's eyes nearly bust out of his head, 'She's BEAUTIFUL'. Great, just great, I think I'm sending him to a monestary.
I also watched, True Beauty last night. I love the rock of love rejects that only these reality shows can find. Chelsea shoulda went home, Ashley shoulda went home. Anymore to add to that? Ashely, your outfit was 'cute' if you were attending a high school homecoming or a sweet sixteen party. How old are you? Try lightening up on the product you put in your hair, it looks really damaged one more bleach job and it's gonna fall out. And let's steer away from the dayglo pink lipstick mmkay? Chelsea, I didn't watch the entire first episode so I don't know what you did to the people that live in the house with you, but dang! They really hate you, huh? Those guys, hmmm again, I didn't watch the whole first episode so I don't quite know their attitudes, but based on looks, NOT the most beautiful person in America. I've seen enough of the girls, yeah you ladies suck too. Be nice, there is always someone who looks better than you, can dress better than you, that can work it better than you and your looks will fade one day.
OK, off the tv topic. Things at home are going well. Reyna will be inducted in the Junior National Honor Society next week, or is it the National Junior Honor Society? I obviously was not in this as a kid, or else I would probably know the name of it. She's doing well in school, her new year's resolution was to get straight A's at least one quarter this year. I don't know how she's doing so well in school, she seems to miss a lot of it. I might as well home school. It's been about 9 months since she had pneumonia and her middle and inner ear infections in both ears, and she still doesn't seem to have recovered. She seems to get sick at the drop of the dime now. Makes me sad, I hope she can get and stay healthy. She's still loving dance and drama is in full swing. I love to watch her dance classes, she's got some physically limitations and she's not the traditional bodytype for a dancer, but we love watching her she looks like a dancer to us. The boy, is well the boy. My little chauvinistic child. He insists I need to stay home and in the kitchen. And while I'm at home in the kitchen I need to make him tortillas every day. He told me a few weeks ago, "mommy, you know why I like that song womanizer?" my answer, 'why?' his response, 'because the guy is mean to all the ladies in the video' nice. I also received a magazine not so long ago with scantily clad Beyonce on the cover, to which my 5 year old's eyes nearly bust out of his head, 'She's BEAUTIFUL'. Great, just great, I think I'm sending him to a monestary.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Reliving my youth and other frivolity
This is two months after the fact but I'm still gonna write about it.
I took Reyna to see the wonder that is Twilight opening night. She had told me all about the book I couldn't have stopped her from rambling if I wanted to, she is a complete bookworm anyway, but she's loved these books since before the phenom happened. She got a lot of her friends hooked and now I actually think she is a little over hearing people tell her things about it every second of the day, lol. So we went and since I already had the background story, I think I knew what to expect.
Honestly, I felt like a kid again. Not just because I sat in a row that was all her friends (ages 12-14) or that the theatre was packed with adolescents. The movie was just a sweet movie. Very fairy tale, it's going to make every little girl look at love and boys in that very idealistic way. I think that is such a great thing, I remember that when I was a kid, I thought all that was gone. It was a lovely little love story, I guess and I think although some of the scenes seemed 'hot' to me as a 32 year old lady, I don't think as a kid they always got it. In fact it was pointed out to me, by another 12 year old there that there were 'only 3 kissing scenes in the whole movie!' I told her, 'ok little hormone that's enough'
I mean there was the obvious, the directing wasn't that great sometimes the makeup looked like bad stage pancake makeup, and of course where you could obviously see things like Edward's contact lenses; but overall I think it went well. I thought the actors were good choices for the parts. Reyna and I keep hearing, 'they need to fire Jacob, he was awful'. OK, he had like 5 lines in the movie and his storyline in the book (which I have finally read) wasn't much more than that either, if at all. His description in the book was, 'bronze skin and sleek black hair' doesn't that fit the description of the kid portraying him? And then the big, 'they're gonna fire him, because he was so bad' when it really would have been because the features of the character changes so much from the first and second book that they thought about changing the actor, not because he sucked. Alice, I thought was cute. Her description in the book was sorta of 'pixie-ish' I think that was what the actress looked like. Rosalie, I thought was good too, she was very pretty, voluptuous and looked like a bitch that I imagined her to be. Carlysle, the only thing bad I could say about him was the makeup. The 'bad' vampires? Well, the men, were NOT as they described in the book so that annoyed me a little bit, but I thought the girl was a good choice. As for Edward, well, I think Reyna had a little more hopes for his casting, she kept going on and on about how he was supposed to 'perfect'. Perfect skin, flawless, blemish free, no scars, nothing. I don't think anyone could have played him to her expectations, though, she'll still be on Team Edward for life lol.
There's my review, all in all a nice movie coming to dvd in March I hear and filming for the second begins next month I hear also, guess I better start reading book 2.
In other frivolous-ness, ha I watched Bromance this morning while I was getting ready for work. Seriously, love this show. Brody Jenner is such a douche, so what does that make those kids that want to hang out with him?
Come on, Femi? He was a 'hyena', that cat is just a mess. He's got to be great for the camera though, they will not get rid of him for a while I suspect. I don't think he'd fare as well on a show like I love NY, such a loser I think even those people could wipe the floor with him. Jered? He reminds me of some people I know from when I was much younger, all he's got in him is to call people a 'girl' or 'gay' oooo you're wicked cool with calling the boys out aren't ya? Glad he's gone. The Filipino guy, what kind of jokes were you telling? Poor kid, then he was crying about it after,,,awww you gave it a shot at least. Gary? Is that the dancer? I still like him, I'm not sure why, but I'm hoping he'll make it far, although I don't think he'll make it past the next week or too. I'm seeing Brody picking the guy from Boston, or hmmm the other guy. When the dancer was trying to show them some dance moves, they were not bad, didn't poke too much fun and gave it a shot. They didn't care if they looked bad, they had fun with it, I think that was great. Can't wait for next week's episode, maybe I'll remember the names better by then.
I also watched Jon & Kate last night, they went to the dentist. Is it just me or do they look like a lot bigger only 6 months after the last dentist visit? Are they sure it's only been 6 months? I know kids grow fast, I mean please I have two, I know they grow quick, but that just seemed like they were much younger. Kate, as per usual, stopped Jon from asking Hannah a question in the interview couch, because she just needed to interrupt him with something MUCH more important I guess. She told Jon he needed to do a better job of brushing their teeth, I guess it's too much for her to do or something. Yeah the dentist sure did have a lot of different flavors of toothpaste didn't she? And Kate, as long as we're correcting folks, I think the scented gloves, should be called 'scented gloves' not 'flavored gloves', am I right? Those were cool too, I've never seen them. Then they took the twins to the orthodontist, where Maddy refused to go first so Kate told Cara to. Cara started to say, "why do you always…." Sometimes it sucks being the one that behaves and listens you get the short end of the stick when the other ones act out.
I've got some more catching up to do on my other programs, I can't wait, have I mentioned I love dvr. I'm excited to see True Beauty, and Momma's Boys.
I took Reyna to see the wonder that is Twilight opening night. She had told me all about the book I couldn't have stopped her from rambling if I wanted to, she is a complete bookworm anyway, but she's loved these books since before the phenom happened. She got a lot of her friends hooked and now I actually think she is a little over hearing people tell her things about it every second of the day, lol. So we went and since I already had the background story, I think I knew what to expect.
Honestly, I felt like a kid again. Not just because I sat in a row that was all her friends (ages 12-14) or that the theatre was packed with adolescents. The movie was just a sweet movie. Very fairy tale, it's going to make every little girl look at love and boys in that very idealistic way. I think that is such a great thing, I remember that when I was a kid, I thought all that was gone. It was a lovely little love story, I guess and I think although some of the scenes seemed 'hot' to me as a 32 year old lady, I don't think as a kid they always got it. In fact it was pointed out to me, by another 12 year old there that there were 'only 3 kissing scenes in the whole movie!' I told her, 'ok little hormone that's enough'
I mean there was the obvious, the directing wasn't that great sometimes the makeup looked like bad stage pancake makeup, and of course where you could obviously see things like Edward's contact lenses; but overall I think it went well. I thought the actors were good choices for the parts. Reyna and I keep hearing, 'they need to fire Jacob, he was awful'. OK, he had like 5 lines in the movie and his storyline in the book (which I have finally read) wasn't much more than that either, if at all. His description in the book was, 'bronze skin and sleek black hair' doesn't that fit the description of the kid portraying him? And then the big, 'they're gonna fire him, because he was so bad' when it really would have been because the features of the character changes so much from the first and second book that they thought about changing the actor, not because he sucked. Alice, I thought was cute. Her description in the book was sorta of 'pixie-ish' I think that was what the actress looked like. Rosalie, I thought was good too, she was very pretty, voluptuous and looked like a bitch that I imagined her to be. Carlysle, the only thing bad I could say about him was the makeup. The 'bad' vampires? Well, the men, were NOT as they described in the book so that annoyed me a little bit, but I thought the girl was a good choice. As for Edward, well, I think Reyna had a little more hopes for his casting, she kept going on and on about how he was supposed to 'perfect'. Perfect skin, flawless, blemish free, no scars, nothing. I don't think anyone could have played him to her expectations, though, she'll still be on Team Edward for life lol.
There's my review, all in all a nice movie coming to dvd in March I hear and filming for the second begins next month I hear also, guess I better start reading book 2.
In other frivolous-ness, ha I watched Bromance this morning while I was getting ready for work. Seriously, love this show. Brody Jenner is such a douche, so what does that make those kids that want to hang out with him?
Come on, Femi? He was a 'hyena', that cat is just a mess. He's got to be great for the camera though, they will not get rid of him for a while I suspect. I don't think he'd fare as well on a show like I love NY, such a loser I think even those people could wipe the floor with him. Jered? He reminds me of some people I know from when I was much younger, all he's got in him is to call people a 'girl' or 'gay' oooo you're wicked cool with calling the boys out aren't ya? Glad he's gone. The Filipino guy, what kind of jokes were you telling? Poor kid, then he was crying about it after,,,awww you gave it a shot at least. Gary? Is that the dancer? I still like him, I'm not sure why, but I'm hoping he'll make it far, although I don't think he'll make it past the next week or too. I'm seeing Brody picking the guy from Boston, or hmmm the other guy. When the dancer was trying to show them some dance moves, they were not bad, didn't poke too much fun and gave it a shot. They didn't care if they looked bad, they had fun with it, I think that was great. Can't wait for next week's episode, maybe I'll remember the names better by then.
I also watched Jon & Kate last night, they went to the dentist. Is it just me or do they look like a lot bigger only 6 months after the last dentist visit? Are they sure it's only been 6 months? I know kids grow fast, I mean please I have two, I know they grow quick, but that just seemed like they were much younger. Kate, as per usual, stopped Jon from asking Hannah a question in the interview couch, because she just needed to interrupt him with something MUCH more important I guess. She told Jon he needed to do a better job of brushing their teeth, I guess it's too much for her to do or something. Yeah the dentist sure did have a lot of different flavors of toothpaste didn't she? And Kate, as long as we're correcting folks, I think the scented gloves, should be called 'scented gloves' not 'flavored gloves', am I right? Those were cool too, I've never seen them. Then they took the twins to the orthodontist, where Maddy refused to go first so Kate told Cara to. Cara started to say, "why do you always…." Sometimes it sucks being the one that behaves and listens you get the short end of the stick when the other ones act out.
I've got some more catching up to do on my other programs, I can't wait, have I mentioned I love dvr. I'm excited to see True Beauty, and Momma's Boys.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Mary Without Pity
How do I love thee, DVR
Let me count the ways
I love thee to the depth and breadth,,,,
aw screw it I just love the dvr, how did I watch tv before? I can't even watch live tv anymore, it's just no fun.
How did I know about GWoP and DWoP before being a member of TWoP?
TVTVTV I adore thee
Mondays are big nights I've got Bromance, Diet tribe, Superstars of Dance, Jon & Kate plus 8, and the Secret Life of an American Teenager going, not to mention several repeats of my favorite shows, Ellen, Oprah, Rachel Rae, and Little People, Big World when that is not showing repeats.
Where O where do I begin?
Bromance, wow I never thought this would be a show I could stand, but many those guys are as bad as the Rock of Love chicks. The guy puking last week after too much vodka the previous night, the guy that compared himself to every animal, I liked when they gave him a hard time, "I'm a dolphin!' I personally like the dancer kid, I hope he gets far.
I attempted to even record the City, but I couldn't handle it even Reyna who is 12 thought it was just awfully boring, so Whitney is it love or is it lust? who cares, your still boring and I've canceled you from my record settings, see ya.
Diet Tribe, ooo the fake red head with the bad bangs, she is one bitter cookie. I still hope they all do well, she will do lots for the camera as will the former trainer that wants to argue with the trainer they are using. I do see a tinge of myself in her though eep!
Superstars of Dance, ugh Argentina had to go, and I admit some of the tricks that the other teams did were very impressive, but that was not dance technique, impressive, but show me dancing not tricks.
Jon & Kate plus 8, oy do I even need to talk about them lol, what free thing will they pimp their kids out for this week? What sort of berating will Kate give to Jon when he uses an adverb wrong in a sentence?
Secret Life, wow, I missed the previous season and watched a marathon last week. It was just awesome, I like how they have that little PSA at the end about talking to your kids about sex, I hope some parents will listen.
Ellen is definitely my fave, I love love love her. she is just fabulous. Everything she does is just fabulous.
Rachel Rae, I can honestly say the only thing I like about her is the little 15 minute cooking segment at the end. I don't see the appeal, but her recipes are so simple it's hard to resist.
And Oprah, well we can all learn something from Oprah, can't we ;)
Let me count the ways
I love thee to the depth and breadth,,,,
aw screw it I just love the dvr, how did I watch tv before? I can't even watch live tv anymore, it's just no fun.
How did I know about GWoP and DWoP before being a member of TWoP?
TVTVTV I adore thee
Mondays are big nights I've got Bromance, Diet tribe, Superstars of Dance, Jon & Kate plus 8, and the Secret Life of an American Teenager going, not to mention several repeats of my favorite shows, Ellen, Oprah, Rachel Rae, and Little People, Big World when that is not showing repeats.
Where O where do I begin?
Bromance, wow I never thought this would be a show I could stand, but many those guys are as bad as the Rock of Love chicks. The guy puking last week after too much vodka the previous night, the guy that compared himself to every animal, I liked when they gave him a hard time, "I'm a dolphin!' I personally like the dancer kid, I hope he gets far.
I attempted to even record the City, but I couldn't handle it even Reyna who is 12 thought it was just awfully boring, so Whitney is it love or is it lust? who cares, your still boring and I've canceled you from my record settings, see ya.
Diet Tribe, ooo the fake red head with the bad bangs, she is one bitter cookie. I still hope they all do well, she will do lots for the camera as will the former trainer that wants to argue with the trainer they are using. I do see a tinge of myself in her though eep!
Superstars of Dance, ugh Argentina had to go, and I admit some of the tricks that the other teams did were very impressive, but that was not dance technique, impressive, but show me dancing not tricks.
Jon & Kate plus 8, oy do I even need to talk about them lol, what free thing will they pimp their kids out for this week? What sort of berating will Kate give to Jon when he uses an adverb wrong in a sentence?
Secret Life, wow, I missed the previous season and watched a marathon last week. It was just awesome, I like how they have that little PSA at the end about talking to your kids about sex, I hope some parents will listen.
Ellen is definitely my fave, I love love love her. she is just fabulous. Everything she does is just fabulous.
Rachel Rae, I can honestly say the only thing I like about her is the little 15 minute cooking segment at the end. I don't see the appeal, but her recipes are so simple it's hard to resist.
And Oprah, well we can all learn something from Oprah, can't we ;)
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